Sunday, February 26, 2012

ANT Therapy

Becoming the watcher of your thoughts, particularly with automatic negative thoughts that are really unconsciousness of thought processes and emotions, your reactions, your desires, and aversions. Knowing that you can start recognizing the thought before they becoming etwining with emotions is the first step.
Automatic negative thoughts are in the forms of:

  1. Always Thinking- overgeneralizing a situations with words like always, never, everyone, everytime
  2. Focusing on the negative- ignoring everything that can be construed as positive
  3. Fortune-telling
  4. Mind Reading- believing you know what the person thinks, even though they haven't told you
  5. Thinking with your Feelings- (feelings are facts)
  6. Guilt beatings- should, ought, must, or have to
  7. Labeling- attaching a negatiuve label to yourself or others
  8. Personalization- taking innocous events personally
  9. Blame- blaming others for the problems in your life
When you recognize these thoughts coming in ask yourself-  if they are true, how do you react when you believe that thought and who would you be without that thought. These questions can wake people up to the fact that if they are the watcher of the thoughts, then who does the thinking? Where do these automatic negative thoughts come from? Become the watcher and find out!

Eradicate those ANTs and start healing your brain to become healthier and happier every day!

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