Saturday, February 25, 2012

'Use Your Brain to Change Your Age'

Becoming connected with Dr. Amen the author of "Use Your Brain to Change Your Age" has enhanced my awareness to help indivduals with undiagnosed brain injuries which are the major causes of:

  • homelessness
  • psychiatric illnesses
  • depression and anxiety attacks
  • alcoholism and drug abuse
  • suicide
Brain injuries can be healed and brain chemistry can be changed. Dr. Amen has proven that brain rehabilitation is possible through his work with retired NFL players and returning vets. I believe the knowledge gained through Dr. Amen work can help heal people with depression, anxiety, addiction, and grief. 

A few suggesstions from Dr. Amen may help individuals who want to to look, feel and think younger every day by healing their brain:
  1. Immediately stop doing anything that hurts your brain*
  2. Exercise **
  3. Sleep well
  4. Eat optimtally nutrious foods
  5. Brain Gym exercises***
  6. ANT therapy****
*Anything toxic will hurt your brain so think about the amount of alcohol you consume and whether it reaches an intoxication level. 
**One of the biggest surprises in the finding of research in Dr. Amen's book is that being overweight is connected to significant decreases in brain size in the learning and memory portions of the brain. 
*** These can be found on the internet
**** Automatic negative thoughts (details about combating these will be in the next post)

Happy brains everyone!  

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